Assassins Creed Valhalla Wrath Of The Druids DLC
Assassins Creed Valhalla Wrath Of The Druids DLC

Since the game’s launch last year, Ubisoft has been providing a steady stream of free content for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but this week marked the arrival of the game’s first proper expansion. It’s called Wrath of the Druids and it takes the player on another epic adventure, this time to the dense countryside of Ireland.

This is a rich experience of about 20 hours, and this happens more or less in the reduced version of Ireland. However, you asked how big the Druid’s Fury map is. Well, we have completed the measurement.

Our map measurements offer a rough estimate of the total land area, which in this case comes out at 18.33 kilometers^2 or 7.07 miles^2.

It’s a fairly large new sandbox that needs to be explored. Of course, the many castles and villages on the grassy plains mean that you will find a lot as you explore history.

If you want to know how its size compares to different parts of the main game, England is roughly 40 square miles, making Ireland roughly 17% the size of the main game.

If you’ve visited Vinland in the North American region of Valhalla, Ireland, it is about twice the size of that region.

That’s everything there is to know about how big is Wrath of the Druids’ map size is.