Evil Dead The Game
Evil Dead The Game

The Evil Dead is a survival horror game based mostly on the popular Evil Dead series. There are a lot of missions that must be completed in order to fully understand the game’s story. Aside from the Missions, there may be a Multiplayer Co-op option where you may play as either a Survivor or a Demon vs the other Team. To battle the Demons, you’ll need decent, if not the best, weapons as a survivor. As a result, in this tutorial, I’ll show you the Best Weapons in Evil Dead The Game.

What are the Best Weapons in Evil Dead The Game?

Weapons of varied rarities are available in Evil Dead The Game. There are four rarities ranging from Common to Legendary. Even if the weapon is deadly, Legendary Weapons will surpass any Common Weapon. There are two types of weaponry that suit different characters and classes: ranged and melee. The Shotgun and Lumberjack Axe, in my view, are the best ranged and melee weapons in Evil Dead The Game.

The Lumberjack Axe can whack Deadites to the ground. Its heavy attack is equivalent, if not greater, than that of certain firearms. Although swinging is slow, the swing will compensate for the slowness. The Shotgun is little more than a trusty Deadite Eater. You bought it because you wanted to murder some stupid. Range? It’s a shotgun sniper among shotguns. Say considerably less if you want to make some Deadites have two left toes. You may be able to clear the Deadites as well as the Demons using these Weapons.